In Memory of





Condolence From: Fran Plante
Condolence: Dear Mike and family, Thank you for keeping us in touch with Uncle Fred particularly in the last years of his life. It was always so nice to see him, to be called "Miss" and to hear that he was "60/40" when you asked him how he was. We will cherish the many fond memories of our Uncle and brother Fred that are a testament to the kind and thoughtful man that he was. Thank you too for the beautiful service that you planned for your dad. It was an honour to be there with you. I was especially moved by the numerous long-term friends that visited after the service, all who spoke very fondly about Uncle Fred. He was truly loved by many. With love, Ruby, Denise, Penny, Daphne, Fran, Jay, Dave, Lara, Sheena, Clifford, Duncan, William and Zoe.
Wednesday June 27, 2018
Condolence From: Avis (neice)
Condolence: Goodbyes are not forever, goodbyes are not the end, they simply mean, we'll miss you, until we meet again!
Monday June 25, 2018
Condolence From: Diane (your neice)
Condolence: Uncle Fred - such a kind and loving man with a great sense of humor; always happy to see family members - you will be greatly missed.
Monday June 25, 2018
Condolence From: Sylvia Baker
Condolence: I think of Fred with fondest memories of our childhood days and all our adventures and activities together in that golden yesterday. Until we meet again.
Monday June 25, 2018